Urban and Wild

Virtual Art Show

Supporting The Taylor Statten Camping Bursary Fund

and Canadian Artists

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Artist: Julie Himel

Transient Notion

Artist: Stew Jones

Escape Is At Hand

Artist: Alison Boyack

As The Forest Slumbers

Send a Kid to Camp

Your purchase will help send a kid camp and support the important + creative work of Canadian Artists.

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This summer my nephew had the opportunity to attend Ahmek because of the support of the bursary fund. Upon his return from camp, our family was absolutely struck by how much he matured, how much his health improved, and how much his confidence increased. His two weeks at camp achieved far more than any of us could have imagined and we are all absolutely speechless.

Bursary Fund Recipient

It's really hard for me to express what a huge impact going to camp every year has had on my family already. It has really changed our lives. Camp has been the one consistent thing in my children’s lives, and they are very close with his camp friends. I still feel like I haven't said enough but know that we are deeply, deeply grateful for your help and support.


Mother of three Bursary Fund Recipients

Camp Wapomeo is and will continue to be my home away from home for many years to come. I would like to thank everyone who made it possible for me and many others to go to camp Wapomeo. This experience has changed my outlook on life and I will forever be grateful.

Bursary Fund Recipient